Applied Physics
Mechanisms of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter, unconventional methods of acceleration, devices based on them
Resonant and autoresonance mechanisms of interaction of charged particles with electromagnetic waves, the propagation of electromagnetic waves in layered inhomogeneous media, cyclotron and half-cyclotron resonances and their possible applications, various conditions for maintaining cyclotron autoresonance are investigated. Developments are being carried out in the field of sources of particles and radiation for various purposes, including for diagnostic, space and technological needs. Experimental work and development are underway on various applications of electron cyclotron resonance (ECR): ECR sources of multiply charged and negative ions, ECR sources of neutral atoms and radicals, ECR sources of bremsstrahlung and synchrotron radiation are being developed. Methods of accelerating charged particles and plasma flows are modelled by high-power pulsed and quasi-periodic radiation in a wide range of wavelengths in the presence of an external magnetic field. Generators of particle fluxes of various purposes are being developed, which allow modifying the electro-optical characteristics of semiconductor materials and structures based on them, to form coatings with specific properties. Pioneering work on the creation of microwave plasma X-ray generators of soft bremsstrahlung with tunable spectrum, as well as hard bremsstrahlung, has been carried out and continues to develop. The developments are based on the fundamental effects associated with parametric resonances, the heterogeneity of the external magnetic field and the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation, which increase the efficiency of acceleration of particles in various specific conditions.
Photonics and optoelectronics
Fundamental and applied research on the generation, control and detection of photons in the visible spectrum, methods for processing optical signals, and creating devices for various purposes on their basis, including: analyzing the properties of titanium dioxide films made by magnetron sputtering, sol-gel and gel methods; multilayer waveguide structures based on titanium dioxide; the construction of the basic elements of photonics and integrated optics based on such structures with thermal control; production and research of titanium dioxide films alloyed with various metals. Fiber and integrated optics, including nonlinear optics, physics and technology of semiconductor connections, holographic storage devices of extra-large capacity, semiconductor lasers, optoelectronic devices and high-speed transmission and processing of information are now basic for communication systems and telecommunications, recording, storing and processing information, a variety of devices for semiconductor microelectronics are widely in demand in modern manufacturing and engineering.
Optoelectronic devices using diffractive optical elements
Development of optoelectronic sensors, built on the basis of laser sounding of oscillating surfaces and disturbances of a continuous medium, used to study oscillations of mechanisms and measure small static displacements, to build seismometers. The advantages of sensors of this type are high sensitivity, the ability to register not only dynamic but also static movements, the relative simplicity of the design, the ability to build circuits with remote sensing of oscillating surfaces.